中文 (繁體): The CDC website for COVID-19 (Chinese Traditional) CDC COVID-19 網站

CDC Website on COVID-19 in Chinese (Traditional):
CDC COVID-19 網站 (繁體中文):
You can find more information here from the CDC (Chinese Simplified):
您可以在這裡找到更多信息: CDC 中文 (繁體)
Facts on COVID-19 in .pdf
COVID-19 的事實 .pdf https://wwwn.cdc.gov/pubs/other-languages?Sort=Lang%3A%3Aasc This may help in the search for more information. 這可能有助於搜索更多信息。
Please feel free to share this information. 請隨時分享此信息。 First published on 03/26/2020 and updated 04/02/2020